Image Source: Google

You went out to dance and your iPhone X falls to the floor, you pick it up, turn it and then you realize that the screen is all broken; pain and anguish. Or are you one of those who come back from work very late and you had to stop shopping, you go to open the door of your house with bags, keys, backpack, work papers, and iPhone. It is there at that moment when you try to open the door, which falls, slammed and the iPhone X screen smashed. To change it and as soon as possible.

Fortunately, there are many technical services that we can solve these types of problems, including tutorials on the Internet for you to do yourself, there are so many on the Internet that the myths about changing the screen and the final result are uncertain.

In the market, there are many screens of different quality and price and that is what makes it difficult for any client to choose where to take it and even whether to do it or not. Our idea in this post is to help you decide on this type of repair.

iphone spare parts in geelong
Image Source: Google


It is one of the most important factors. There are several types of spare parts, you will find a wide variety of qualities and prices, screens that are very cheap to screens of very good quality and higher prices.

It is important to know and understand that Apple does not sell spare parts and that you can only access them through an Apple Store, (which does not exist in the region at the moment).

You can differentiate a generic screen in:

  • The terminations are different (the module is not at the root of the iPhone house)
  • Glass is thinner (therefore it breaks more easily)
  • Color hues differ from originals
  • The touch may not respond as fast as you were used to.

An Original Quality screen behaves exactly the same and works the same way. No surprises.

At The Mobile Company Geelongwe use Original Quality screens.


Choosing the company that will open your iPhone X is another decision you have to make. There are several types of technical services that give you different services and delay times. Taking it to a local can delay the repair time since they have other equipment ahead, the customer service is not personalized and you cannot be present or see the repair being carried out. In the case of giving you estimates they are slow.

The Mobile Company offers a trained, fast, and on-site technical service for iPhone x screen repair and replacement in Geelong.

.A screen change should not last more than 30-40 minutes, at home, in front of you and fully personalized. You can ask our technicians all the doubts you have and they will be there to help you. You don’t have to move, you don’t waste time and you were able to be present at the time of the iPhone repair.

When looking for a good technical service to carry out the best iPhone screen repair in Geelong, we will have to take into account various factors to decide which is the best option.

The cost of repair is not the only important factor. We must also assess other factors, for example, The time it takes to repair, the quality of the installed parts, the guarantee of their repairs, that they do not erase the information on your iPhone (applications, photos, contacts …), customer service, etc.

Ideally, find one that meets all of these requirements. There are many cases in which they have had to wait about a month to receive the repaired iPhone X, that they have deleted applications and contacts without prior notice, that the new screen did not have the same image quality, or has even stopped working a week. Looking for the cheapest option can put your iPhone X at risk.


It is very important to know what warranty is offered by the technical service or the supplier of the spare part. The longer the warranty period speaks of the greater knowledge and support of the company.


The quality of the part and the service goes hand in hand with the price you pay. Low-quality parts tend to be cheaper and can cause more problems.

Our recommendation is that you always trust to carry out an iPhone repair, be it a broken screen, the charging port, or the power button. The most trained technical services can help you solve a very high number of problems and in a short time. When choosing a technical service, take into account the most important factors and the support of the company.